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Location: Sun City, Arizona, United States

Monday, June 06, 2005


Yesterday, June 5th was the 8th birthday of Summer Elizabeth Rye daughter of Brigid Deveney Rye And Daniel
Gene Rye. Yes indeed, she is the embodiment of summer sunshine in the Valley of the Sun, a treasure for all seasons. Two weeks before school ended she had a party at her school. Then she had a birthday party making gingerbread houses along with several friends who had birthdays in this time frame and the party was orchestrated by Brigid who is so creative and touches the hearts of all of those who have the good fortune to be in her wide encompassing circle. Also, a birthday pool party with an "old" Claire and a party with a "new Claire.
All of Brigid's family were out of town so I was the honored guest at Summer"s evening party.
As always a sumptious meal was enjoyed and appreciated by all and I got to take mashed p;otatoes and beef home to enjoy during this lunch hour.
Summer has matured so and is such a precious and talented young girl and

"I am, among all men, most richly blessed."

Brigid and Dan's entire life is center around "Summer Sunshine" and it is a joy to behold such a family bonded in love. Each one enriches the other and this family knows where the true riches of life reside. God speed to each of them on this day and each and every day of their lives!


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