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Location: Sun City, Arizona, United States

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Randy-the creative one

Randy with his garden on our eight acre spread on Gramercy Place in Riverside, California post 1965.
His wife, Ellen, had a tennis tournament in Palm Spring last week and they landed in Ontario and Randy in his true to form dedication to past beautiful memories visited the our former home and saw our names engraved in the newly poured patio in 1965. He saw our brand, the Rocky R in the back patio.
He visited our Aventist's neighbors, the Morales, and saw the well that we drilled by hand with a posthole digger(35 feet) on the Morales property.
The old Collett elementary school seemed unchanged to him and the Sierra Park pool that afforded us joy when we lived at 4019 Jones was filled in and covered with grass.
The little variety store at LaSierra five points where he could buy candy for a penny was gone.
Ellen and Randy have a much bigger spread now in Fort Collins, Colorado.Their backyard opens up to a joint city, county park that borders on over 500 acres of open space in the foothills of the Rockies. Over the ridge is Horsetooth rerservoir stretching miles to the North. Setting on his patio last year, I saw eagles flying over as well as hawks. Deer and other wild live roam close to their fence line.
If there is anyone who truly loves and respects that great outdoors it is Ellen and Randy and no one contributes more to its preservation than they do.

"What is as rare as a day in June-then, it ever, comes perfect days."

Ellen and Randy don't have to wait for June-each day brings perfect views from their home.
Randy is the creative one!!!


Blogger Glenn Rye said...

Do my eyes deceive me, or is that corn growing so tall and stately?
Were you privileged to partake of the crop, or did the enterprising Randy sell it????


9:23 PM  

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