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Location: Sun City, Arizona, United States

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Roaming,part 4

The used car did get me to Hills,Minnesota,the site of my youth. I stayed the first night with my neice, Marilyn Sather Nelson. She is the wildow of Duane Nelson, son of my sister, Opal. She has worked at the high school for years and pictures of adoring students cover the cabinets.If fact, three young girls stopped by being aready bored with vacation and turning toMarilyn for ideas.Her two grandchildren Jeff and Jake were there also keeping her busy.
Her home has become a haven for foreign students and she presentlly is housing a young man man wh;o has not been handed a bed of roses. Mariyln took me and my grand nephew, Scott, to Larchwood, Iowa for lunch. We were not able to fit in the time to visit her daughter,Marie and her husband, Dan, and their children,Luke and Allison. We also were not able to visit her son,Mark"s, hog operation.
The evening of June 24th spent with my neice,Carol Nelson Ehde, and Art near Luverne,Mn. They have had a successful mink operation for years and are not out of the business and slowing down a bit, I think. We have in common the loss of a child.Their loss was Pam at the age of 24. Ours was the loss oa Angela at age 13. They have two grandchildren,Jonathan and Jason. Carol is the daughter of my sister, Opal. Scott is their son, the father of Jonathan and Jason. we all love him very much.
On Saturday I attended my 60th class reunion. That evening we had a porch party at my neice, Valarie, the daughter of my sister, Beverly. Her son, Chad, as well as Art and Carol and Scott and Marilyn were in attendance. Valerie is such a precious and gracious soul.we love her dearly.
I spent Saturday night with the honey man,Dale, son of my brother, Norris, and Dale's lovely wife,Jill, an RN. We attended church in Hills on Sunday and were served a bountious dinner by Jill joined by Dale's Mother Lorraine, and Bob and by my neice, Ineborg Rye,who came from Norway after WW2 and her husband, Palmer Paulson, a retired postal worker and farmer from Canton ,SD.Aslo present was Dale's sister, Helen, one of my favorite neices.
I traveled to Lincoln, Ne. on Monday and stayed with my loyal neice, Barbara, daughter o;f my sister,Eldora. She kept vigil with Donna and I in th wanning days of of daughter, Angela's life. God bless you, Barbara, as you now keep vigil for your first grandchild,Reed.
We went to dinner with Barb's daughter,, Kim and her firiend and with her brother Jim and his wife, Verna and their family. We got to see Jim's new house also.
I tried to go quietly ouf of Barb's house on Tuesday morning but I forgot my hearing aids and had to wake her up anyhow.
I drove to Loveland, Co. and went out to dinner last night with my son, Greg, his wife, Lisa, and my grandchildren, Samuel andn Benjamin. I am updaing my blog at his DC and acupunture office computer before he shows up for work. As Bugs Bunny would say, thats all folks.


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