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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Who gives himself with his gift feeds three

One of my favorite verses is from the middle age story of the seach for the Holy Grail, the cup from which the Christ drank at the Last Supper. It goes like this;

The Holy Supper is kept indeed
With what we give for another's need.
Not what we give, but what we share
For the gift without the giver is bare.

Who gives himself with his gift feeds three
Himself, his hungering neighbor and THEE

All of our children give freely of themselves and their gifts span the whole rainbow of other people's needs. For this precicous gift we are especially blessed. Today I would like to dwell on the special gifts of love and caring of Ramona Karen Rye Perkins.

A post in December showed Ramona and Greg's picture of some 35 years ago. Her road of life since those earliest days has not always been a bed of roses. I have taken the liberty of quoting from a couple of her Christmas letters from the past that touches her depth of humanity.

"It has been the most difficult year of my life. I lost my best friend and husband on February 6th,2001. I still find myself looking for Scott to come driving up the driveway, or answering the phone expecting to hear his voice on the other end. My heart has this incredible void where he used to live. He was a wonderful husband, son, brother,nephew,grandson and friend. This was evident at his funeral; there were so many flowers and cards. At the viewing family and friends sat around talking about the good times they had with Scott. The most vivid memory I have is of the funeral procession. When I looked back all I could see were cars with their headlights on. They were driving to the cemetary to say goodby to their friend, loved one and husband. Thank you all for your love and support."
She ended her letter by saying;
"Say I love you as much as you can. Let your family and friends know how much you care about them. Get together and make new memories because you will treasure them more than any
tangible item. May God bless and keep you safe during the holidays and in the coming year!"

And this last year, 2005, her letter ended with this adomonition;

I hope that this next year is full of greatness for you and your loved ones. Spend time with your family and friends, tell them how much you love and treasure them!"

This is the Ramona who has to have nerves of steel as she faces crisis after crisis in the E.R. room.This is the Ramona that spent two weeks in December as care giver for her Mother.This is the Ramona that reached out to me after Christmas after I experienced a shortness of breath while in Colorado. When I returned to Arizona there was a message on my machine
expressing her concern.
Surely one of the most blessed events in the life of our family was that day some 36 years ago in California when Ramona Karen entered our lives. I hope that we are worthy of her love and heed her admonition to spend time with your family and friends, tell them how much you love and treasure them.
Ramona, we love and treasure you. You give yourself with your gifts and feed, three
Yourself, your hungering neghbor and THEE, the Christ. Love,Dad


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