Angela and Cinommin
Randy scanned a new batch of pictures for me when I visited him in Colorado for his birthday on June 17. This morning at the computer club a friend, a nice gentleman named Byron ,
put these imges up for me. The story that I wished to tell included Cinnomin,the donkey that I gave Donna for her birthday. That story will come later when I am able to retrieve the right picture but her is our Angela helping Cinnamin celebrate her birthday.
You can't see it here in this picture but on the mane of each donkey is a white stripe that bisects a white stripe on the mane making a cross. Legend has it that this cross is there because it was a donkey that transported the Saviour on Palm Sunday.
Your lovely Angela must have been thrilled with her birthday gift from you. Did Angela name Cinnamin? The legend makes the gift all the more meaningful.
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