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Location: Sun City, Arizona, United States

Monday, December 11, 2006

Ramona returns to Loveland- All rejoice

After serving as Charge Nurse at the Wm. Beaumount hospital in Royal Oak , Michigan Ramona will now be serving at the new hospital in Loveland designed to serve Colorado,
Whyoming and Nebraska.
Especially happy are Sam and Ben, the two young sons of Greg and Lisa. Rumor has it that she has already ordered a bunk bed so they can have sleepovers.How lucky can you get. Randy and Elllen are also thrilled as are Court and My Granddaughter for when they slip back home. Ramona will also be fortunate to have her loving Mother in Loveland.
Dan, Brigid and Summer will get to join up with her at Christmas time and I will be fortunate to see her on my next trip to Loveland.
All who are fortunate enough to be in her sphere of influence are indeed blessed as are those patients to be served at the new hospital. Welcome home, sister Sue!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ramona returns to Loveland-All rejoice

Ramona Rye Perkins has returned to Loveland after serving as a care-giver charge nurse in the ER unit at the Wm. Beaumount hospital in Royal Oak.Michigan for the past five years.
Greg and Lisa boys,Sam and Ben are especially blessed to have their aunt back in their presense.
She will also now be able to touch base with My Granddaughter and Court when they visit Randy and Ellen. It is indeed a blessing for her Mother, Donna, also.
We all stand in awe at her accomplishments and praise her for all the joy and love that she brings to all who are fortunate enough to be in her sphere of influence.
A new hospital has been built in Loveland that is designed to serve Colorado, Whyoming andNebraska. Three states will now be served by our own Florence Nightengale. How great is that!!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Reflections on "This, too,shall pass away."

Since July 21st, I have been remiss in recording some of the exciting events in my life and the events in the lives of my family. I was just not motivated to so do.
Then, in September and again in November I was hospitalized for a few days and then for ten days. And then I thought of all the people who have carried on so nobly and so gracefully in the face of adversity.
My brother, Raymond, is a case in point. he has survived one life threatening event after another with grace, faith ,hope and cheer, also evident in his wife, Sandy.
I have shared his story in earlier blogs so I'll share the recent ones. In September he was transferred to a hospice . On September 22nd, the news was not positive but Ray had decided to pland to go home for thanksgiving. He was backed out of hospice to a rest home and true to his plans he spent thanksgiving at home with is family. As in earlier challenges, he attributes everything to the power of all the prayers offered on his behalf.

Perhaps the most noble and compassionate example of of love and devotion is that one of Brett Rockensock, the son of my neice, Jewell Helgeson Rockensock and her husband,Dan.Brett is a special son.It is a special honor to be related to such a noble, loving family.They set a high mark for all of us to strive for. Brett's address is 14472 Scenic Highway N.E.,Blackduch,Mn. 56630.
Drop him a card to cheer him on.

This, too, shall pass away

When some great sorrow , like a might river,
Flows through your life with peace-destroying power,
And dearest things are swept from sight forever,
Say to your heart each trying hour
"This, too, shall pass away."

When ceaseless toil has hushed your song of gladness,
And you have grown almost too tired to pray,
Let this truth banish from your heart this sadness,
"this, too, shall pass away."

When fortune smiles, and, full of mirth and pleasure,
The days are flitting by without a care,
Lest you should rest with only earthly treasure,
Let these few words their fullest import bear:
"This, too, shall pass away."

When earnest labor brings you fame and glory,
And all earth's noblest ones upon you smile,
Remember that life's longest, grandest story
Fills but a moment in earth's little while:
"this, too, shall pass away."