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Location: Sun City, Arizona, United States

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, October 08, 2007

Dan-Boat builder

Here is the ten year old,Dan, who found plans for a boat in a Popular Mecanics magazine and proceeded to build it in our garage in Riverside, California. the boat never saw water.
By going to you can see a live picture of two of the harbors that Captain Dan took Ramona, Greg and myself to in late september and early October,2007. The ones to click on are Friday Harbor -1&2 and Roche harbor -3.
posted by Glenn Rye 8:10 AM

This is a copy of my October 8, 2007 post.

Yesterday was Dan's 51st birthday and it was spent with their good friends, the Cotrells off of Port McNeil, B.C. My next post will be a map showing their exact location.
Happy birthday, Dan!!!!!


Monday, October 08, 2007

Dan-Boat builder

Here is the ten year old,Dan, who found plans for a boat in a Popular Mecanics magazine and proceeded to build it in our garage in Riverside, California. the boat never saw water.
By going to you can see a live picture of two of the harbors that Captain Dan took Ramona, Greg and myself to in late september and early October,2007. The ones to click on are Friday Harbor -1&2 and Roche harbor -3.
posted by Glenn Rye 8:10 AM

The picture didn't come through, but this is my October 8th,2007 blog.

Yesterday was Dan's 51st birthday and my next post will detail his location.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Thou shall not covet-Commenter-SL

I do covet your comments. It means a great deal to me that someone, somewhere, is able to also enjoy the pictures of our family tree.

I must say it also makes me very curious-but then it was curiousity that killed the cat-

Thank you, whoever you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

relatlaive rendezvous

Neice,Mariyln, at her Hills, Minnesota home

relative rendezvous

Sister-in-law, Lorriane, at her Renner, South Dakota home

relative rendezvous-Neice Helen

Scrub team member-SV Hospital

The Qeen Bee and the Honey -June2009

Dale and Jill and an unkown shadow


South Dakota scene

Dale and Jill's hugh utility complex and honey processing equipment.

Born on the fourth of July-The Honey Man

Dale Rye celebrates his birthday on Saturday. He is pictured here in the huge utility building where they had jus laid over some 60 yards of concrete flooring.

Happy birthday, Dale

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Relative rendezvous-Luverne,Mn.

I caught Trudy and Isaac on their way to church on Sunday.

They are the parents of Adele picture earlier on my blog and the grandparents of Dominic.

Isaac came over from Norway after WW two and Trudy was employed for years at the Tuff Home in Hillls, Minnesota

Relative renedezvous-Art and Carol's-June2009

Glenn, Carol, Art, Scott and Carson.

together again

Relative rendezvous-June 2009

Together again!!

Relaitive rendezvous-June 2009

Right to left: Josh,Tony, Laurie and Jasmine.

At Tony and Laurie's-Relative rendezvous

Barabra Nelson, Ray Rye, my nephew from Wisconsin and his Mother, Sandy

Relative rendezvous-Nielsons-Prior Lake, Mn

Jasmine is a sophomore who just won the runner up position for the training of her dog, in the 4h competition. Her display of her photos in the high school were really professional.

Tony is a pilot for Mesabi air and Laurie is in the computer field.

Josh is at the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks.

Tony took his pilot training at greeley, Colorado and I was fortunate enough to be the second passenger of his after his solo.

Their honeymoon was spent at our Pine Motel and we enjoyed their presence in the Loveland area for over a year.

One of the highlights was dinning at Potato Bumbas in Greeley, Colorado.

America-be proud

Frank Loesser
View Responses PrintJune 30, 2009 Posted by Scott at 6:03 AM
Minnesota Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson, my law school classmate and friend, writes to add a note on yesterday's post on Frank Loesser. Justice Anderson comments:
Loesser also wrote "The Ballad of Rodger Young," a song based on the true story of Rodger Young, a Medal of Honor recipient. The lyrics to "The Ballad of Rodger Young" can be found here. Rodger Young's Medal of Honor citation reads as follows:YOUNG, RODGER W. Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, 148th Infantry, 37th Infantry Division. Place and date: On New Georgia, Solomon Islands, 31 July 1943. Entered service at: Clyde, Ohio. Birth: Tiffin, Ohio. G.O. No.: 3, 6 January 1944. Citation: On 31 July 1943, the infantry company of which Pvt. Young was a member, was ordered to make a limited withdrawal from the battle line in order to adjust the battalion's position for the night. At this time, Pvt. Young's platoon was engaged with the enemy in a dense jungle where observation was very limited. The platoon suddenly was pinned down by intense fire from a Japanese machinegun concealed on higher ground only 75 yards away. The initial burst wounded Pvt. Young. As the platoon started to obey the order to withdraw, Pvt. Young called out that he could see the enemy emplacement, whereupon he started creeping toward it. Another burst from the machinegun wounded him the second time. Despite the wounds, he continued his heroic advance, attracting enemy fire and answering with rifle fire. When he was close enough to his objective, he began throwing handgrenades, and while doing so was hit again and killed. Pvt. Young's bold action in closing with this Japanese pillbox and thus diverting its fire, permitted his platoon to disengage itself, without loss, and was responsible for several enemy casualties.
There are two other points about Young worth noting. First, as he was gradually losing his hearing, he voluntarily sought a reduction in rank from Sgt. to private, because he felt his hearing loss endangered the men he led. Second, Young's bravery, and Loesser's ballad, were also recounted in Robert Heinlein's terrific 1950s novel Starship Troopers (which is where I first encountered his story; I didn't learn of the connection to Loesser until much later).
Loesser's "The Ballad of Rodger Young" was commissioned by the United States Army with the specific goal of honoring the Infantry private, not officers or NCOs. Absent Young's insistence that his military rank be reduced, Loesser might very well have passed him by.
We should remember, always, the sacrifice of the Rodger Youngs. But we should also remember those who tell their story and, in this case, it's the wonderful Frank Loesser.
Justice Anderson adds this note: "Stanley Frankel, in his online account of his war experiences, tells of witnessing the courage of Rodger Young. Chapter Four, found here, tells of these events. Frankel was, among other things, a speechwriter for Hubert Humphrey."


Ballad of Rodger Young
Frank Loesser

Oh, they've got no time for glory in the Infantry.Oh, they've got no use for praises loudly sung.But in every soldier's heart in all the InfantryShines the name, shines the name of Rodger Young.(Shines the name, Rodger Young!Fought and died for the men he marched among.To the everlasting glory of the Infantry.Lives the story of Private Rodger Young.)Caught in ambush lay a company of riflemenJust grenades against machine guns in the gloom.Caught in ambush till this one of twenty riflemenVolunteered, volunteered to meet his doom.Volunteered, Rodger Young!Fought and died for the men he marched among.In the everlasting annals of the InfantryGlows the last deed of Private Rodger Young.(It was he who drew the fire of the enemyThat a company of men might live to fight.And before the deadly fire of the enemyStood the man, stood the man we hail tonight.)On the island of New Georgia in the SolomonsStands a simple wooden cross alone to tell.That beneath the silent coral of the SolomonsSleeps a man, sleeps a man remembered well.Sleeps a man, Rodger Young!Fought and died for the men he marched among.In the everlasting spirit of the InfantryBreathes the spirit of Private Rodger Young.No, they've got no time for glory in the Infantry.No, they've got no use for praises loudly sung.But in every soldier's heart in all the InfantryShines the name, shines the name of Rodger Young.Shines the name, Rodger Young!Fought and died for the men he marched among.To the everlasting glory of the InfantryLives the story of Private Rodger Young.