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Location: Sun City, Arizona, United States

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Update on brother Ray

I spoke with Sandy Rye this morning in Eau Claire, Wi. and Ray has taken 40 steps. He needs help to stand up but his muscles are weak after being bed bound for months . Sandy is rearranging the house for when he returns home and he will need the assistance of a wheel chair.We all pray and are inspired by his valiant fight for recovery as he has done so many times before. Ray is truly a miracle man , a man for our time.

On a lighter note, I will have lunch tomorrow with my son,Dan, in Phoenix. Dan is leaving for Seattle for the weekend to get his vessel ready for summer. He has designed a holder that will serve as a site where he can anchor the two kayaks that he is placing aboard.

Also, on Wednesday last, I had lunch with two of my Hills high school graduates of the class of 1945. They were Margaret Bakk Thornton and Kenneth Berghorst and Claireabelle. Margaret gave me several weeks of The Hills Crescent, the home town weekly newspaper. In the 50 years ago column, several of my students were recognized for their successes in the district speech competition. They did however fail to mention the speech teacher who was yours truly.
The previous fall, the speech teacher from Worthington had encouraged me to start a debate team so he could have some competition in the district. I picked eight of the gifted students and we started to defeat them at an alarming rate.
So the Worthington coach hired his competition as his assistant. The opening day of the next school year at Worthington, the head coach took a position in the Twin Cities and I became the head man in a big school speech program. We opened up opportunities for more students and had the most successful year in that schools history including the winning of the lMinnesota states one act play competition.
We produced Gilbert and Sullivans play ,Box and Cox. Donna's sister, Caroline, was living in England and she supplied me with records of the English cockney speech habits and my students masked them to a T.
One student, Carl Swanson, who his country school teacher had labeled him.Moussy, went on to star in all of the major productions at Augustana College, my alma mater, in Sioux Falls, S.Dak.He later had Elsie Anderson's daughter as a student in Brandon, S.Dak. A small world, indeed.
"All the worlds a stage, and each man in his life plays many parts

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The 25th anniversary of Ray and Sandy Rye

Orv and Dolly Bakk instigated this party that was a complete surprise to Ray and Sandy in Eau Claire,
Wi. Orv called from the hotel and told Ray they were on to tight a schedule to come to their home and asked Ray's to come to the hotel. When Ray and family arrived all of the relatives were gathered in the ballroom. Ray and Sandy were speechless.
Sandy's Easter card arrived yesterday and it is a testimonial to all the miracle of recover that puncuate Ray's life. With Sandy's pernission I will share it with you on this site.
Yesterday Ray was able to stand up even though it was a difficult challege. But as we all know Ray meets each challenge head on.

The Ray Rye family on their 25th anniversary

Orv and Dolly Bakk were the instigators of the honoring of Ray's family on this occassion.Orv called
Ray and told him that they were just passing through town and didn't have time to come to Ray's home and that they should come to the hotel. When they arrived all of the relatives were gathered in a ballroom and the surprise was complete and Ray and Sandy were speechless.
Sandy's Easter letter was a very beautiful testimonial to the miracle of Ray's many recoveries from affliction. I will ask her permission to post it on this site. Sandy reports that Ray is in therapy and stood up the other day even though it was not an easy task.
This party took place in Eau Claire, Wi., where the Ryes live.

The Ray Rye family on their 25th anniversary

Orv and Dolly Bakk were the instigators of the honoring of Ray's family on this occassion.Orv called
Ray and told him that they were just passing through town and didn't have time to come to Ray's home and that they should come to the hotel. When they arrived all of the relatives were gathered in a ballroom and the surprise was complete and Ray and Sandy were speechless.
Sandy's Easter letter was a very beautiful testimonial to the miracle of Ray's many recoveries from affliction. I will ask her permission to post it on this site. Sandy reports that Ray is in therapy and stood up the other day even though it was not an easy task.
This party took place in Eau Claire, Wi., where the Ryes live.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Grandma Entenman

An elderly genleman that liked to cook used to come to Donna's parents home and to Sophia and Ernies home and cook. I believe his name was Tom.Here is a cheery picture of Grandma Nora Entenman.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Yesterday was a long day for brother, Ray. He was transferred to a nursing home on the river in Eau Claire and Sandy says that it is a beautiful setting.

Anyhow, it was late in the evening (11pm) before he received his medications. His son, Jeff, sat with him all night and held his hand. In the morning Ray said that he felt the love and peace flowing through his hand from Jeff's and he heard this hymn over and over in his mind.. The Hymn:

Peace is flowing like a river, flowing out of you and me,Flowing out into the desert,Setting all the captives free.

Hope is flowing like a river, flowing out of you and me, Flowing out into the desert, Setting all the capitive free.

Friendship is flowing like a river, flowing out of you and me, Flowing out into the desert, setting all the captives free.

HIS LOVE is flowing like a river, flowing out of you and me, Flowing out into the desert, setting all the captives free.


Ray's doctors are amazed at his turn around. He is eating and sitting up. Ray told his wife, Sandy, that he feels the love and prayers flowing like a river to him and he welcomes each and every one of our prayers. He wants that love to flow back and forth among all of us, relatives and friends alike.

As I said in an earlier post, Ray had been the focal point of many miracles.Born at home in Hills, Mn. he suffered from yellow yondhis(spelling) and a nurse home from the cities attended him..
and returned to the cities. Some40-50 years later that nurse, Sigurid Sather, was at the home of our nephwew and neice, Daune Nelson and Marilyn Sather Nelson and she asked Ray, Which of the Ryes are you?"' He said, "I'm Raymond" and she said, "I thought you died!"
In the early 90's Ray contacted the malady that took the muffets creator,Mr. Henson, out at an early age. Ray attributed that miracle the results of your prayers and for many years gave testiomonial speeches to the power of prayer.

What is man, better than sheep or goats, if knowing God, we lift not hands of prayer for those we love and those we call a friend.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Brother Ray is in icu Sacred Heart Hospital

My brother, Ray, has been in the hospital since his birthday which was on March 21at.
He was recoverying nicely from an operation that provided a new valve for his heart taken from a pig's heart when he came down with pneumenia. Ray has had at least 3 miraculous recoveries from illnesses including one in the early 90's from the dieseae that claimed Jim Henson, creator of the muffets. Ray attributed his recovery to the prayers of relatives and friends alike and has given many testimonials acknowledging that power.

From the old English, "What is man, bett er than sheep or goats, if knowing God, we lift not hands of prayers for those we love and those we call a friend"

We may also lift our hads in prayer for my neice, Susan Nerison Olson, of Madison, Mn.

Monday, April 03, 2006

From the 1907 diary of Gullik Nelson Rye

April 2, l907-I had nothing to do and the day seemed very long. Ha, HaHa.
April 3, 1907 -Warm weather-H.. to me over to H..S eve.
April 4 -Cold n. wind, I dragged all day. Ole hagen discked.
April 5, -Cold wind, I went over to M. Opehim for a load of hay-Ole Hagen discked
April 6 -Cold wind a m , rain pm, I dragged.
April 7, Sunday -Cold weather, P. Rye and H.Rogness came and met in eve.
April 8, - cold weather, I did chorse. Ole Hagen sowed
April 9 -Very cold n wind, I did chorse in the a m.- I went long walk with Halvor to
Beaver Creek.(Glenn's note) If this was from the Sundem farm it would have
been about five miles, one way.
April 10- -Very cold weather, I went with Halvor to Hills, am. I went over to Rogness and
April 11 -Very cold n wind. I started to work for Nels Rogness. discked all day.

April 12 -Very cold weather, I chopped wood all day
April 13 - Very Cold n wind Went to Valley Springs, sd.Chopped wood all day
- Glenn's note this area inMinnesota is 3 miles fromS.Dak & 5 from Iowa>)

The little time saver diary from 1907 contained some of the following facts.

Population of every state and territory:Arizona;140,276: Colorado;602,925:Minnesota;,l,972,949: South Dakota;428.055.
Automobile speed laws in the United States: Arizona;No laws relating to the automobile in this state: Colorado; no laws: Minnesota; 4 miles at crossings; 8 miles in built up parts ,25 m elsewhere: South Dakota;10 m in closely built up areas and 15 m. elsewhere. New York;10 m. in built up sections; 15 miles where houses are less than loo feet apart; 20 m in country.
Oregon: 8 m in built up areas also when in coutry when within 100 feet of horse drawn vehicles.